Simply Customize It! Simply Customize It Update: Fix Template Syncing for Version 3.18 This update ensures seamless template syncing with reMarkable version 3.18 adding support for the new .template files and refining import logic. Read on for all the details!
Simply Customize It! Simply Customize It Update: Bug Fix and Small Additions Fixed an issue when adding a new template from the browse view. This update also includes an added "delete all" button to the browse views for macOS (moved the already existing one in iOS) and added the ability to set/change the default category of any newly created template.
Simply Customize It! Simply Customize It Update: PNG Image Resizing on macOS Mainly minor fixes. The biggest update is for macOS which now has a fix on the calculated dimensional string which led to PNG resizing. On both versions there's several small changes like putting SVG before PNG when editing templates and adding the ability to add a template directly to a category.
Simply Customize It! Simply Customize It Update: Now With SVG Support Added support to see, remove, and add SVG images to the templates. Also split up the resize button to be me more understandable.
Craftiness Update to My Simple and Quick Dresser Drawer Fix A while back I shared how I fixed some dresser drawers using my hot glue gun. Since then one drawer bottom has started sagging again. I wanted this fix to last a bit longer so ultimately I upgraded my previous plan using a cereal box.
Technology Update to "My Custom Picker With Multi-Selection in SwiftUI" - Now With Images! I've upgraded my custom multi-selection picker, in SwiftUI, to now be customizable using a struct rather than string array. This means it works for images... and whatever else you want to add.
Sewing An Upgrade on My Girls’ Home Sewn Swimsuits I sewed up some new swimming suits for my girls this summer and in doing so tried out a new way to attach the neckband.
Science & Sensory Play Easily Change Up Your Playdough With Scents Are you looking at changing up your playdough? Are you looking to making an amazingly scented playdough? I want to share several ways I've added scent to my playdough so you can do the same. Plus since you can't photograph smells I included some glittery playdough too.
Sewing Even More Peppermint Swirl Dresses Are you looking to sew an easy pattern? Are you looking for a dress that wows? Whether you want to make a skirt or a dress this Peppermint Swirl pattern from Candy Castle patterns blows you away with the gorgeousness and twirliness. Have fun sewing it up.
Children Kids' Swimming Suits - Second round with an extra year of experience. An update to my swimming suits! This includes everything I learned from the last time. Simpler than I expected!
Sewing Create a Fabric Name Tag Are you looking to create a simple and adorable name tag? I took knit scraps and turned them into adorable labels for our Christmas stockings!
Science & Sensory Play Splitting Up a Large Toy For Your Advent Calendar Are you wanting to add small gifts to an advent calendar but don't want all those small items hanging around the house afterwards? Why not buy one large toy and split it up over the month. You end up with one toy and your child had several days of opening joy.
Science & Sensory Play Sensory Activity Ideas For Your Advent Calendar Some of our Christmas Advent Calendar related toys and activities.