Sewing My 2021 Sewing Challenge: Skipped, Rejected, and Came Out Feeling Good Although I didn't sew as consistently as previous years I did keep track of what I sewed through the 52 Week Sewing Challenge... if you want a recap or just want some ideas based on what I did here's my 2021 sewing overview!
Sewing I Love My Reusable Fabric Gift Bags... That I Made Years Ago! Back in 2019, right before Christmas, I sewed up some fabric cinched sacks to use as reusable wrapping paper for the girls. It was so easy to do and looking back I'm so glad I did! Here's how I did it in case you're interested in the same.
Food & Dessert Check Out Some Really Delicious Canadian Desserts Just In Time For Christmas Back in October I decided to make some Canadian treats we hadn't had in quite a while. They turned out amazing and I realized I should share the recipe links with you just in case you're looking for something special to make too.
Craftiness Check Out Ada's Amazing "Pretty Pink Princess" Halloween Costume This year for Halloween Ada chose to be a pink princess. This turned out to be an incredibly simple costume that I wanted to share.
Craftiness Check Out Zoey’s Epic “Princess Skateboarder” Halloween Costume This year for Halloween Zoey chose to be Princess Skateboarder to save the town! As she's loved the video of Princess Skateboarder for several years I knew I needed to make it happen. Here's the last post showing the entire costume with links to how each part was made.
Craftiness How I Put Together a Stupendously Amazing Sail for Princess Skateboarder’s Skateboard With the last three Princess Skateboarder posts published I next wanted to share with you my favorite accessory I made for the costume. The sail and mast! Check it out here.
Craftiness Check Out the Great Princess Skateboarder Helmet I Made and What Accessories I Included to Go With It Over the last two weeks I shared how I made Zoey a Princess Skateboarder outfit and a properly sized prop skateboard for her Halloween costume this year. This week I'll follow the series with how I used a balloon, paper mache, and paint to make her a knight's helmet. Come check it out!
Craftiness Learn How I Made Princess Skateboarder’s Amazing Skateboard Last week I shared how I made Zoey a Princess Skateboarder costume for Halloween. This week I'm sharing how I added a really cool prop skateboard to it using cardboard, Mod Podge, and paint. Come check it out!
Sewing How I Easily Assembled an Outfit for Princess Skateboarder This year Zoey broke her two year pumpkin Halloween costume streak to become Princess Skateboarder! Here's how I've assembled the outfit so she looks the part.
Food & Dessert How I Changed up My Sheet Pan Pancakes to Make Them More Exciting Have you ever tried making pancakes in the oven? It's life-changing! Especially as it doesn't set off the smoke detector like when I make pancakes on the stove. Whether you've already made oven pancakes or not I figured I'd share how I change up my go to recipe to keep it exciting for my girls!
Science & Sensory Play Simple Ways to Easily Change up Your Playdough Time Are you looking to change up your playdough fun? Here are ways we've changed or added to our play.
Food & Dessert Incredibly Simple to Make Jello Cupcakes Are you wanting to make an incredibly simple cupcake or cake? Why not buy the mix for a white cake and a container of Jell-O for this amazingly moist dessert. I always top ours with whip cream and either sprinkles or berries depending on the occasion. Come check it out!
Sewing Easily Identify Clothing With Fabric Markers Or By Your Fabric Choice Do you have trouble identifying your children's clothing? Why not change them whether it's slightly or drastically! Here's what I've been doing over the last several years.
Science & Sensory Play My Quick and Simple Towel Technique for Kitchen Sink Sensory Play Does your child love playing in the sink and you hate the mess? Does water always seem to pool within your under-sink cupboard? Why not add a simple towel? Here's how I've gained peace of mind with sink play.
Product Review Discover My Family's Preferred Shampoo and Conditioner Online I sometimes come across people looking for shampoo bar recommendations. As such I figured I'd share my family's go to shampoo and conditioner brands in case you're looking for something new.
Science & Sensory Play Create an Exciting Playdough World Then Explode a Volcano Does your child love dinosaurs or volcanoes? Are you looking for a fun sensory and science activity? We made playdough to create a scene to stomp dinosaurs through and then later turned it into a volcano! Come check it out.
Craftiness Cool the Kids Down With a Simple Ice Pack A couple weeks ago I bought some ice packs specifically to help keep the girls cool in bed during the hot weather. Whether you're currently going through a heatwave or planning for one in the future, you too may love the cooling presence of our frozen ice packs. Check it out here!
Science & Sensory Play Incredibly Simple Play Bandages with Masking Tape Are you looking for something to keep your child(ren) entertained? Do you have masking tape on hand? Why not have them decorate strips of it and turn it into pretend play bandages. Maybe their toys are sick and need to be fixed? So many options!
Science & Sensory Play Give That Old Play-Doh Kit a Brand New Feeling Do you have a Play-Doh set that's looking a bit sad? Have your kids stopped enjoying it? Why not make it feel like brand new by refilling the Play-Doh containers with homemade soft playdough!
Science & Sensory Play Create a Simple Cardboard Changing Pad for Dolly Does your child love dolls? Do they love crafts? Are you looking for another doll accessory? Why not make a simple dolly changing pad? This can be as simple as a plain piece of cardboard or it can be thoroughly decorated. Here's what we made!
Science & Sensory Play Simple and Exciting Sensory Play Gift Ideas Are you looking for a simple gift idea for kids? Why not put together a simple sensory play kit? Here's the one I put together this year for Christmas and so many other ideas you could do too.
Science & Sensory Play Easily Dye Pantry Staples for Fun and Simple Sensory Materials Are you looking for a fun sensory material for your kids to play with? If you have extra pasta, rice, or beans you could dye them. Here's how my experiment went.
Science & Sensory Play Easily Change Up Your Playdough With Scents Are you looking at changing up your playdough? Are you looking to making an amazingly scented playdough? I want to share several ways I've added scent to my playdough so you can do the same. Plus since you can't photograph smells I included some glittery playdough too.
Craftiness Simple, Easy, and (Sometimes) Free Advent Calendar Ideas Are you debating making an advent calendar this year? Are you trying to think of ways to make this Christmastime magical? Here are ways that we've filled in our advent calendar throughout the years to help you have a great December.
Craftiness Simple Drawer Organizer Recycled From A Cereal Box Are you looking for a custom fitting organizer but can't find one that's perfect? Why not make your own? Here I took an empty cereal box, turned it onto it's side, and made a short organizer perfect for what I needed. Here's what I did.