Science & Sensory Play Sink or Float Water Play Sensory Bin Is it a hot day? Why not pull over a bin of water and test the buoyancy of your toys. We added a sink or float water sensory bin to Zoey's birthday party and it was a blast.
Science & Sensory Play Cleaning Deck Toys Get your kids to help clean their outside toys with a scrubbing sensory bin!
Science & Sensory Play Farm Sensory Bin with Food Trough and Silos Does your kid love farms? I created a farm sensory bin for my daughter's birthday stocked with farm animals, two kinds of ground, water trough, feed trough, and a pourable silo.
Science & Sensory Play Easter 'Egg' Hunt with Painted Rocks Missing Easter egg hunts but don't want to waste the eggs? Why not decorate some rocks and go hunting for them instead?
Food & Dessert Baby Led Weaning - Introduction (6 and 7 Months) Why not have some fun while introducing some foods. Part food and part sensory activity all rolled into one. Prepared to get messy!
Science & Sensory Play Solar Powered Dancing Scarecrow Science Lesson Next time you're at your local dollar store why not grab a solar-powered toy? Mine got my child dancing and we had a cool science lesson about solar energy.