Slime Slime Station at Our Birthday Party For Zoey's 8th birthday party last year she wanted to do slime and we made it happen! Here's how!
Pilates Pilates: My Favorite Thing! I've been wanting to update my Pilates' post and figured now was the time! Here I share an awesome online membership (with referral code) that you can attend from anywhere anytime!
Science & Sensory Play Simple and Adorable Snow People Sensory Kit For a friend's gift two years ago I came up with a quick play dough sensory kit featuring snow people and made extra for my own kids. We loved the premise and I figured I had to share it with you in case you're looking for something similar for yourself or as a gift too.
Craftiness Ada and Zoey's Joint Birthday Party This year had planned to do a long distance move during the summer which led to the kids having a joint birthday party. Here's what we did while planning our move.
Science & Sensory Play Simple Ways to Easily Change up Your Playdough Time Are you looking to change up your playdough fun? Here are ways we've changed or added to our play.
Science & Sensory Play My Quick and Simple Towel Technique for Kitchen Sink Sensory Play Does your child love playing in the sink and you hate the mess? Does water always seem to pool within your under-sink cupboard? Why not add a simple towel? Here's how I've gained peace of mind with sink play.
Science & Sensory Play Create an Exciting Playdough World Then Explode a Volcano Does your child love dinosaurs or volcanoes? Are you looking for a fun sensory and science activity? We made playdough to create a scene to stomp dinosaurs through and then later turned it into a volcano! Come check it out.
Science & Sensory Play Easily Dye Pantry Staples for Fun and Simple Sensory Materials Are you looking for a fun sensory material for your kids to play with? If you have extra pasta, rice, or beans you could dye them. Here's how my experiment went.
Science & Sensory Play Simple Water Play Are you looking for easy ways to entertain your kids? Why not use simple water? My girls love playing with water sensory bins as they grew. And you can keep it novel by changing out the toys, adding bubbles, or dying the water. For such a crazy time water play is a simple solution.
Craftiness Create Cardboard Shelving For Your Kitchen Set Create a quick and custom shelving using cardboard boxes for your kids play area. This shelf was the perfect extension to our kitchen set that lasted for quite awhile.
Science & Sensory Play Playdough Troubleshooting Have you attempted to make playdough and found it either too wet or much too dry? I have an awesome playdough recipe I make all the time and just added a video on how I recovered my playdough when it's crumbly dry or soppy wet.
Sewing Theater or Concert Play Curtain Does your child love putting on concerts or plays? Why not make a curtain that easily fits in their doorway! Works with the door open or closed, easily portable, and shouldn't leave marks if they grow out of it or you have to move out of your home.
Science & Sensory Play Ideas For When You're Home With Kids An umbrella post containing all the fun kid activities listed on my blog up to March 2020. I've also included some external resources available over March and April and maybe beyond.
Sewing The Stovetop Details On My Kids' Play Kitchen After last week's post I wanted to follow up and show you how I added the burner and sink details to the kitchen set cover. I love the added ribbon water coming out of the sink and the burner covers the most.
Exercise Free At Home Workouts To De-Stress Are you looking for a way to let off steam but you're stuck inside? Are you feeling antsy. Why not look into one of these free online workouts?
Hack Kids' Play Kitchen Do you have a small table you're looking to upcycle? Are you wishing you had a kitchen set for your kids? Why not make your own? Here's what I did to make my kids their play kitchen.
Science & Sensory Play Kids' Distraction Area in the Kitchen Do you have a toddler underfoot that always wants to play while you're making food or washing dishes? Why not create a space for them nearby? They can play while you cook or clean so you can hang out together.
Science & Sensory Play Color Themed Playdough and Oobleck Stations Does your child want a color-themed birthday party? Are you looking for a fun activity to play inside or outside at your next playdate? At Zoey's birthday party we created an oobleck and a playdough sensory stations outside for the kids to fully enjoy!
Science & Sensory Play Chocolate Oobleck Change up your oobleck with cocoa powder to make ooey gooey mud. After exploring change it up by running your monster trucks through it or add some animals. So much fun!
Science & Sensory Play Coloring On Playdough Change up your playdough with washable markers. You can easily color on your newly made creations. Or you could roll out your dough, color it, and then cut it out!
Science & Sensory Play Science Birthday Party Favor Bags I extended our science birthday party theme to our favor bags. I made playdough in the three primary colors for color-mixing and then left the rest simple by buying food-safe test tubes to contain some Canadian smarties and sour candy.
Science & Sensory Play Flower Dissection - Science Sensory Bin Do you have flowers hanging around that may wilt soon? Why not have some fun and have your kids dissect them. They can learn how flowers are formed, look up how they work, and have some sensory fun while they're at it!
Science & Sensory Play Color Changing Flowers Do you have extra flowers lying around? Why not use them to see how dye changes the flower petals and shows exactly where the water goes.
Science & Sensory Play Splitting Up a Large Toy For Your Advent Calendar Are you wanting to add small gifts to an advent calendar but don't want all those small items hanging around the house afterwards? Why not buy one large toy and split it up over the month. You end up with one toy and your child had several days of opening joy.
Science & Sensory Play Streaming Animal Cameras Is your child interested in learning about animals? I've found a bunch of free resources you can stream online to watch penguins, stingrays, jellyfish, the ocean, sea otters, sharks, and more.