Valentines Day Continuing Our Simple School Valentines Two years ago we made simple paper valentines for school. Last year we did the same. Here's the link, with a printable download, in case you're looking for a last minute Valentine's Day idea!
Craftiness Check Out the Great Princess Skateboarder Helmet I Made and What Accessories I Included to Go With It Over the last two weeks I shared how I made Zoey a Princess Skateboarder outfit and a properly sized prop skateboard for her Halloween costume this year. This week I'll follow the series with how I used a balloon, paper mache, and paint to make her a knight's helmet. Come check it out!
Craftiness A Simple Way to Keep Track of Your Tea's Steep Time and Temperature Are you always trying to remember what tea you're currently steeping. Do you frequently forget what temperature your tea needs to be infused at or for how long? Why not create a simple tracker so you don't need to remember. This is what I did.
Craftiness Simple, Easy, and (Sometimes) Free Advent Calendar Ideas Are you debating making an advent calendar this year? Are you trying to think of ways to make this Christmastime magical? Here are ways that we've filled in our advent calendar throughout the years to help you have a great December.
Sewing Quiet Book Page - Learn to Tie Your Shoes Does your child still need to learn to tie his or her shoes? Get one step closer by sewing a quiet book page so they can learn. Includes a pop out instructional diagram.
Science & Sensory Play Splitting Up a Large Toy For Your Advent Calendar Are you wanting to add small gifts to an advent calendar but don't want all those small items hanging around the house afterwards? Why not buy one large toy and split it up over the month. You end up with one toy and your child had several days of opening joy.
Science & Sensory Play Sensory Activity Ideas For Your Advent Calendar Some of our Christmas Advent Calendar related toys and activities.
Craftiness Printable Thanksgiving Placemats Are you looking for something to keep your kids distracted with at your Thanksgiving dinner this year? Why not print off a Thanksgiving placemat and let them color while they wait?
Craftiness Christmas Advent Calendar Are you looking at trying to fit fun things in before Christmas but don't want to get overwhelmed. Why not schedule it out on an Advent Calendar and you know what to do each day.