Simply Customize It Update: New Tools to Manage Template Storage

Simply Customize It Update: New Tools to Manage Template Storage

Version 1.0.9 of Simply Customize It is now live on iOS and macOS!

Recently, I received feedback about an issue where uploads and syncs failed because the templates.json file couldn’t be saved due to insufficient space in the templates directory. While the device itself had plenty of storage elsewhere the restricted space in this particular folder prevented the file from being written which caused all future imports, syncs, and uploads to fail.

This created a tricky situation as template:

  • Imports and syncs require reading the JSON file.
  • Syncs and uploads need to write to the JSON file before syncing the images.

Simply deleting templates or even just their images wouldn’t resolve this problem since all of these processes rely on reading or writing the missing and unwritable JSON file first. A better solution was needed!

Pinterest geared image showing my post title, images from below, and my main URL.


This update introduces new storage management tools in Simply Customize It, allowing you to:

  • Check available storage directly in the app.
  • Move template images to an alternate location to free up space.
  • Remove unneeded PNG and SVG images from your templates both in app and on the reMarkable device.

New Storage Management Tools 

Check Remaining Storage

There's a new button in your device’s detail section letting you easily check the available space on your reMarkable.

Collage showing the screenshot of the page, popups, and loading message.
You can find this button under your device details. Once clicked it will simply query your reMarkable to check the space remaining and output the percentage of the templates folder used and the remaining space outside that folder.

Remove Unneeded Template Images

There's improved logic for deleting PNG or SVG images from your templates without needing to rewrite the JSON template file.

To find it you go into your template where you will see a spot that lets you delete the PNG and/or SVG images based on if an SVG or template file exists also. This is because the reMarkable currently prioritizes template -> SVG -> PNG so if you have a template with an image and there's now a template file the images are no longer needed. If you imported a freshly updated reMarkable into a newly created device in the app the templates with the template file attached no longer have an SVG or PNG image.

Collage of three screenshots showing how this section could look different.
You can find the delete and move buttons by going to one of your templates. There you can delete the PNG and/or SVG images based on if an SVG or template file also exists. Under this you can see whether your template image(s) are saved in the smaller templates area and if so you can move it to the alternative location. This second section is mentioned below under "Move Template Images"

Explain Why: Unneeded Template Images

Ever since update 3.16 (app version: 1.0.5) the reMarkable has been prioritizing SVG files over PNG images so the PNG doesn't actually need to be saved if an SVG file exists. With the latest (potentially in beta) update, 3.18 (app version 1.0.7), they've added a JSON file with a template extension to the template so now neither PNG or SVG images are needed if the template file was added.

So reMarkable prioritizes template -> SVG -> PNG. Rest assured when tested with just a PNG image attached the template still shows on the reMarkable meaning custom templates, with only a PNG attached, still work.

Move Template Images

Easily relocate template images to an alternate storage location keeping them accessible while also freeing up space in the smaller area.

Other Improvements

Enhanced Error Messages

More human-readable messages to help troubleshoot file writing issues like when there's a low space error when writing the templates.json file.

Updated About Page

I used the changes I made to the Simply Uncover It About page to help improve the layout and email links for this app too.

Collage of two images showing the About Page on both the macOS and iOS versions.
The About Page on both the macOS and iOS versions.

Add Device via Tab or Sidebar

Fixed an issue I noticed recently when adding a new device using the top plus sign beside the dropdown list of devices.

macOS Only: Refined Help Menu

The help menu no longer show the un-implemented popup when you use it. It now offers choices to go directly to About Us, email support, or one of the Learn More sections.

Screenshot showing the new Help menu.
On the macOS you have another way to get to the About Us or Learn More sections.

And that's the app update!

I hope this makes it easier to manage your reMarkable experience. If you have any questions, feedback, or feature requests, feel free to:

Thanks for reading and happy customizing! 

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