Simple IKEA Purchases Repurposed for Your Home
Last summer we had a long distance move and while setting up our new home I realized just how many items, mainly IKEA-sourced but extended to Costco and Dollar Tree too while writing, I had repurposed. I figured I could share them with you in case it's helpful in your home and just in case it leads to a helpful tip from you in the comments below.

I wasn't sure what the best order for these would be then decided to simplify it by categorizing the tip under its main room or activity and then sorted them alphabetically. You can use the table of contents at the side, computer, or top, phone, of the page to better navigate if you prefer jumping around.
And so without further ado here we go!
Bath Mat to Bedside
With our hardwood flooring I wanted something cozy when the girls' first get up in the morning. Something made me think of bath mats as I knew they'd be fuzzy and since they're meant to be used by the bathtub it would hopefully hold up better to being laundered. I didn't think of this while shopping at Ikea, though I grabbed a link for you to their bath mats, but instead let the kids pick theirs up from Costco when we went on a grocery run. They loved picking it out and I love how they're cozier and cheaper than the ones categorized under floor mats.

Wire Market Baskets
I bought this item years ago from Costco picturing it full of produce on our counter but slowly realized that wasn't for me and downgraded one or both of them, at different times, to holding snacks on a shelf. It ultimately ended up storing workout equipment in the living room at our last home and now lives under my desk in our office with the same purpose.

Back in August I didn't see this online or at my local Costco but I'm sure something along these lines will show up again plus I could see maybe using the SORTERA recycling bins from IKEA for a similar purpose.

Plastic Bins for Easy Reach
While writing this post I realized that the way I use the plastic bins from the Dollar Tree may be worth including for you. Years ago I realized that if I used a plastic bin with larger holes to organize the items on my upper shelves I could easily get them down in one move by hooking my finger in the hole and pulling. Since the items were contained within the basket it was simple to choose what I needed and shove the whole thing back onto the shelf with neither step of getting it down or back up requiring me to pull over a chair to use as a stool. I've continued this trend over the years and now with a new home with taller shelves, a change from kitchen chairs to benches and stools, and the purchase of a kitchen step ladder I'm still taking this shortcut and even adding to it with the use of spatula handles in the basket hole when I'm too short to access the basket directly. Word of warning best to use lighter items or less filled baskets the higher you go in your cupboard.

Collapsable Bin For Fluctuating Produce Levels
With the wire market baskets now being used for my fitness equipment I needed to come up with another way to corral any countertop produce. Eventually I used a plastic bin but found it too cumbersome between shopping runs. Recently, February 2024, I found these collapsable baskets at my local Dollar Tree and although I wasn't sure how to use it I brought one home just to see how it worked. It has been amazing in my kitchen! It tucks out of the way when not needed and stores the perfect amount of produce with the benefit of air holes for circulation.

Laundry Room
Plastic Bin for Dryer Lint
When I went to Ikea I had the hope of finding a mini garbage can with a swing lid that I could use in my laundry room for dryer lint.

I didn't see what I had imagined at Ikea but the second I saw this adorable 101 ounce HÅLLBAR recycling bin I knew I found an alternative solution. At the time I actually thought it was a compost bin until later when I looked up the link for you.

Towel Rod or Rail to Laundry Room Delicates
At our last home the main bathroom had a towel rail on the wall with several S-hooks hanging from it. Over time I started using both the rail and the hooks to dry our delicates, that couldn't go in the dryer, and found it especially helpful to finish drying our swimming suits. After we moved, especially with the amount of swimming we were doing, I bought some S-hooks for the garage so we could hang our life jackets but I really missed the inside towel rail for our swimming suits. Thus I was super excited when I went to Ikea and spotted the Brogrun, especially as I didn't know what they were called, but that weekend the store was busy, the kids were tired, and I couldn't find it in the market area. Luckily, one of the items we bought was missing a part so I went back the next day and came across another towel rail, the Voxnan, which was a style I liked better as it ended with rounded ends offering more space to hypothetically hang lightweight items off of. In addition to the towel rail I found a three bar towel holder that swings out and extends offering a collapsable drying area. I bought both and Matt put them in in our laundry room with the shelf right above my head and the three bar towel holder below.

Since starting this blog post I've found that the swing out towel rod is especially helpful when folding my laundry. I sit on the floor while I fold and used to just lay out my clothing to hang after I'm done but now I simply swing the bar out and hang my clothing up as I go!

Play Room
Idea: Nightstand to Toy Kitchen Set
I haven't tried this idea but when we were looking at nightstands for the girls the BRIMNES nightstand yelled kitchen set at me. If they were any younger I would've bought it right then and there to turn it into a mini stove and oven combo.

I had to sketch out an idea of what I was thinking in case you wanted to make it yourself. If you do I'd love to hear how it went in the comments below! After sketching out my idea I tried to look online for something similar but could only find this below image that linked to a sold out Etsy listing.

If you want a different and potentially simpler kitchen set option in the past I've made an oven/stove out of a cardboard box, covered a side table in cardboard and filled it with boxes to be a full standing kitchen set, and later upgraded the top to be made out of fabric. I even added standalone cardboard shelving when we started accruing more kitchen tools.
Pool Toys
Onion Bag for Easy Carrying
Our new home is near a swimming pool that's possible to walk over to so I was on the lookout for anything that would make that walk or its toy storage even easier. As such when I found a set of two KUNGSFORS mesh bags in the kitchen area I immediately realized they could work for the girls to carry their pool stuff back and forth.

Looking back I could go either way on these bags. They look amazing with the sea star diving toys I later bought but they did stretch out larger than I realized they could. I still have them stored with the pool toys so the kids can use them next summer if they want to or I could switch them to their intended produce purpose too.

Bath Basket for Dripping Toys
In that same visit I found the RÅNEN bath basket with the shower accessories and immediately realized they would be perfect to store our wet swim goggles, swim caps, and later diving toys in our garage. Since the basket was meant for the shower the pool water could easily drip out the bottom.

I absolutely love this basket and although I bought it for storage at home it works great walking to and from the pool. I even started putting the basket itself, with just the toys inside, directly next to the pool and it even went into the water several times. I can totally see buying one or even two more of these so the kids can use them to carry their goggles and chosen toys to and from the pool with maybe an extra at home for all the miscellaneous accrued swim toys.

Sewing Room
Fabric Storage Shelves
At our last home I kept my sewing machine in our shared office and, at first, stored my fabric in plastic bins in the closet. Several years ago I upgraded that fabric storage by putting three four by one Kallax shelves in the closet. Over time I realized rolling my fabric to fit worked best and I loved that I could see it all so easily. After the move we decided to put the sewing machines in our bedroom and I moved the shelves against the wall where they'd be easier to see without closet doors getting in the way. With the lack of additional shelving that was in our old office and the increase in fabric since I originally bought the shelves we decided to buy two more two by four shelves to match the first ones. Although I haven't bought any of the KALLAX accessories, yet, I love the knowledge that I can change up the organization in the future or even split up the shelves if I so desire!

Idea: Recycling Bin to Hold Outdoor Salt
Like the kitchen set above this is an idea that popped into my head and I figured I'd include it in case it's useful to you. If it is please let me know in the comments below! Anyway I wonder if you can use the SORTERA recycling bins from IKEA to hold ice melt, rock salt, or gravel for when you have icy sidewalks. We don't need it often so although I bought ice melt this year I haven't justified implementing this idea quite yet.

Side note: when trying to remember what to call this, it's been awhile, I came across this helpful post from Family Handyman telling the different between ice melt and rock salt. Quick tip their chemical composition is different so ice melt is better if you frequently have temperatures below 5°F while rock salt is better if you rarely dip that low. Either way it mentions mixing with sand for extra traction which would make this method still work as you could pre-mix it in the bin. I can totally see this bin sitting right inside or outside your garage or front door. To make for easier sprinkling I also pictured adding a scoop kind of like the ones in the bulk section of the grocery store. That said, when I purchased mine the store only had ice melt and I haven't upgraded it from the bag it came in and, when the weather got cold, simply grabbed a random container to sprinkle it with.

These were some of the ideas I came up with during the course of setting up our new home that you may find helpful. If you have any additional ideas please share them in the comments below. And I hope you're having a great day!
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