Sewing Quiet Book Page - Colorful Animals Create a colorful quiet book page using fabric markers. The colors are bold and grab your child's attention.
Craftiness Printable Thanksgiving Placemats Are you looking for something to keep your kids distracted with at your Thanksgiving dinner this year? Why not print off a Thanksgiving placemat and let them color while they wait?
Sewing Quiet Book Cover - Part Four of Four Create your own quiet book cover featuring binder rings so you can easily change out your quiet book pages with ease.
Craftiness Christmas Advent Calendar Are you looking at trying to fit fun things in before Christmas but don't want to get overwhelmed. Why not schedule it out on an Advent Calendar and you know what to do each day.
Sewing Quiet Book Cover - Part Three of Four Create your own quiet book cover featuring binder rings so you can easily change out your quiet book pages with ease.
Potty Training Products That Make My Life Just a Little Bit Easier An overview of products that made potty training just a bit more helpful.
Sewing Quiet Book Cover - Part Two of Four Create your own quiet book cover featuring binder rings so you can easily change out your quiet book pages with ease.
Food & Dessert Eggy (Ramen and Egg Chicken) Soup - Kids' Top Five Meal and Gluten Free Grab some rice noodles the next time you see them in the store and make a healthy egg and cheese ramen soup. So quick and delicious!
Sewing Quiet Book Cover - Part One of Four Create your own quiet book cover featuring binder rings so you can easily change out your quiet book pages with ease.
Craftiness Thanksgiving Turkey Handprint Door Sign Keep your little turkey's hand prints small forever by making a Thanksgiving sign. Hang it outside your front door to welcome everyone in.
Science & Sensory Play Extra Halloween Candy - Use Colored Candy for a Fun Color Experiment Do you have extra Skittles from Halloween? Do you want to see a cool color experiment you could eat afterwards? Why not add skittles to water and explore!
Product Review Laundry Hamper Solutions - Product Review and Hack I love my hanging laundry nook and wanted to share it with all of you. Perfect if you have room to hang it over your doors.
Sewing Peek-a-Boo Television Characters Quilt - Part Two of Two I used a peek-a-boo quilt pattern I found in a library book to create a characters quilt. Love that it contains Doctor Who for me and shows that the kids will discover as they grow older.
Sewing Peek-a-Boo Television Characters Quilt - Part One of Two I used a peek-a-boo quilt pattern I found in a library book to create a characters quilt. Love that it contains Doctor Who for me and shows that the kids will discover as they grow older.
Craftiness Halloween Costume Hack - Adding a Light to a Costume How to use a floral light to customize a Halloween costume.
Science & Sensory Play Solar Powered Dancing Scarecrow Science Lesson Next time you're at your local dollar store why not grab a solar-powered toy? Mine got my child dancing and we had a cool science lesson about solar energy.
Science & Sensory Play Halloween Quiet Time Activity - Simple, Quick, and Cheap Have you brought home any window cling stickers lately? Why not save the outer section and extend your child's play for long by turning it into a puzzle?
Craftiness Halloween Ghosts Footprint Door Sign Create a Halloween sign for your front door and at the same time save your little ghost's little footprints. Adorable. Works on paper on your wall or on canvas!
Craftiness Halloween Costume - Chuggington Onesie Are you looking for a matching costume for your baby? Why not grab a onesie and fabric markers to create your own costume. Simple and comfortable!