Science & Sensory Play Disposable Diaper 'Snow' Sensory Bin Did your disposable diaper strap break and now you're about to throw out a perfectly good and clean diaper? Why not add water to show your child how it absorbs their pee and have some fun while you're at it. We added water to create 'snow'. Just don't open the diaper until after you've added water.
Sewing Quiet Book Page - Crinkle Page with Ribbons Create a crinkly and colorful quiet book page for your little one. The added ribbons help add more color and something to grasp while they play.
Food & Dessert Fruity Salad with Sliced Sausage Why not add a fruity sausage to a plate of greens and fruit? Top it with a homemade dressing and it tastes so good.
Sewing Quiet Book Page - Brush the Crocodile's Teeth Are you having trouble teaching your kids how to brush their teeth? Why not create a sensory page to help teach them?
Science & Sensory Play Cardboard and Water Play Do you want a simple game to play that's easy to clean up. Why not paint with water onto cardboard. If you don't saturate it with water it can dry and you play again! Add paper to leave negative impressions.
Sewing Shortening the Armhole of a Lightweight Blouse Have you created a lightweight blouse with armholes that are much too low. Here's how I was able to raise the height of my armholes.
Sewing Quiet Book Page - Embroidery Sampler Are you working on quiet books? Do you want to learn more embroidery? Why not combine both and create an embroidery page on your quiet book. The different embroidery stitches offer so much texture while the floss choice offers vibrancy.
Food & Dessert Dessert Pizza - Nutella and Oranges Have you ever tried oranges and Nutella pizza. It's amazing! Here's my recipe which also links to the recipe for my homemade pizza dough.
Sewing Making Chiffon Bias Tape Are you making a lightweight top? Do you need bias tape to match? I made bias tape out of chiffon fabric to match my top and shared all the details here.
Science & Sensory Play Masking Tape Roads Does your child love playing with cars? Why not use masking tape to create your own road system. Make it as elaborate or simple as you'd like and once you're done you can peel it off.
Sewing Quiet Book Page - Counting Using your Hands from One to Five Is your child learning to count? Why not create a quiet book sensory page were they can follow along with the images on either their hand or manipulating the hand you created.
Craftiness Cardboard Kitchen From an Old End Table Do you have a nightstand or small table you aren't using? Why not convert it to a kitchen set for your child?
Sewing Shorten Up Your Armholes and Neckline My finished knit shirt had too low of a neckline and the armpits showed too much. This is how I fixed both problems.
Sewing Quiet Book Page - Jellyfish with Dangly Ribbons Create a jellyfish sensory page for your quiet book. I used a mix of colors, lengths of ribbons, and fleece fabric to offer a variety of textures and colors.
Science & Sensory Play Easter 'Egg' Hunt with Painted Rocks Missing Easter egg hunts but don't want to waste the eggs? Why not decorate some rocks and go hunting for them instead?
Sewing Felt Farfalle (Bow-Tie) Pasta and Diced Tomatoes Does your child have a kitchen set where they love to make pretend food? Why not make them bow-tie pasta and 'canned tomatoes' so they can make their favorite meal whenever they want.
Sewing Quiet Book Page - Counting with Beads Are you teaching your kids to count? Why not create a quiet book page showing the digit, word, and corresponding beads they can count.
Food & Dessert Easy Baked Chicken with La Terra Fina Dip Create an easy to make chicken dish with La Terra Fina dip. So yummy and a great way to use excess dip.
Sewing Patching and Extending Toddler Pants Are your child's pants getting too short? Are they getting holes? Here I show you how I extended my child's pants and patched them while I was at it.
Sewing Creating a Patch from Fabric Remnants Learn how I created patches using my child's favorite fabric, interfacing, and my sewing machine,
Craftiness Easter Bunnies Hand and Footprint Door Sign Why not save your child's adorable footprints while making a Hoppy Easter sign.
Sewing Bubblegum Dresses and My First Attempt at Color Blocking Are you looking for a simple wrap dress pattern? I love the bubblegum dress from Candy Castle Patterns. I color blocked one of the dresses to feature a road for fun playing.
Science & Sensory Play Simple Cardboard Vehicle with a Working Steering Wheel Do you have a large box that you haven't collapsed yet? Why not grab a knife, paper plate, and a pipe cleaner to make your child a vehicle.
Food & Dessert Pasta, Tomato, and Cheese My childhood favorite meal is now my kids. Pasta, canned tomatoes, and cheddar cheese. You can keep it simple or add some extras.
Sewing Freezie, Yogurt Tubes, or Frozen Pop Holder Do you or your children complain about cold hands when trying to eat freezies, yogurt tubes, or Otter Pops? Why not sew a freezie holder to keep your hands warm. You can easily throw them in the laundry when you're done eating your treat and use them again and again.